We have continued to take on the challenge of investigating the functional materials using advanced lithography technology and making a contribution to the betterment of life science and healthcare industries in the future.
We support the acquisition of the doctoral programs to provide a broad education through the functional material design, advanced lithography, and joint research collaboration both inside and outside the university.

Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Toyama Prefectural University
Satoshi Takei
Satoshi Takei is a professor in Toyama Prefectural University, and a visiting academic staff in Osaka University. He is also in charge of major ASEAN-Japan cooperation projects on education and academic research from 2023. He was a member in Nissan Chemical from 1998 to 2010. In 2001, he was a visiting assignee in IMEC. In 2009, he was a visiting scientist of Prof. C. Grant Willson laboratory in University of Texas at Austin and NNIN.
(16) Satoshi Takei | LinkedIn

Contact Information
Professor, Dr. Eng. Satoshi TAKEI
Life Science Material Lab.
Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering
Graduate School of Mechanical Systems Engineering
Graduate School of Biotechnology
Toyama Prefectural University 5180 Kurokawa, Imizu, Toyama 939-0398, JAPAN
Phone +81-766-56-7500 Fax +81-766-56-6131
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