Global Collaboration
Two strengths of Satoshi Takei Laboratory and the Toyama Prefecture network are “Molecular design of gas-permeable porous molds and water-soluble resist patterning materials”, and “Joint collaboration with world-standard cutting-edge mass-produced large-scale equipment and nanofabrication technology”. Through industry-academia-government collaboration with domestic and international institutions, we are promoting education and research on next-generation, environmentally friendly life science and healthcare functional materials that can contribute to social industry by combining molecular design technology.
A short-term program that sends adult doctoral and master’s degree students from Toyama Prefectural University to one of the world’s leading overseas research institutes, with the support of international exchanges that encourage the use of cutting-edge equipment and bilateral exchange projects. We are developing a “new education program” for study abroad training. We also utilize student study abroad support programs from private companies and grant foundations to systematically train young, independent researchers who are full of creativity and a desire to take on challenges. Please contact us for details.

Universities/public institutions
- Institute of Microelectronics (IME, Singapore)
- Nanyang Technological University(Singapore)
- Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (IMEC, Belgium)
- KU Leuven
- Home · Centre for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (
- Official Web Portal of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | innovative . entrepreneurial . global (
- National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN, U.S.A.)
- The University of Texas at Austin(U.S.A.)
- トップページ | ARIM Japan公式ホームページ_マテリアル先端リサーチインフラ (
- (社)応用物理学会 ナノインプリント技術研究会 Nanoimprint Technology Study Group in Japan Society of Applied Physics
- 大阪大学
- 富山県産業技術研究開発センター
- 富山県プラスチック工業会
- 富山県薬業連合会
- 富山大学
- 立命館大学